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365bet to welcome printmaker for residency and public event on March 27

By: Michael Dickins March 21, 2024

Althea Murphy-Price
Althea Murphy-Price.

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. – Austin Peay State University’s Department of Art + Design, with support from The Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts, is welcoming printmaker Althea Murphy-Price to conclude the 2023-24 CECA Visiting Artist Speaker Series. She will deliver a free public lecture for all ages at 6 p.m. on March 27 in Heydel Hall, located in the Art + Design Building Room 120.  

“During her extended, weeklong visit, Murphy-Price will give a public lecture on her creative practice, conduct studio visits with students and produce a print edition,” said Michael Dickins, chair of the Department of Art + Design’s CECA Visiting Artist Speaker Committee. “One of the prints [will be] donated to 365bet’s art collection – further adding to the contemporary print collection that we have built over the past several years with CECA visiting artists.” 

According to Dickins, Murphy-Price uses lithography, stenciling methods, photography and 3D printing to make work which can be described as a representation of the broad survey of contemporary printmaking. 

“Murphy-Price uses deception, desire and ornamentation to form questions on the topics of truth, fascination and attraction,” Dickins said. “Often, using hair as material or image, she exercises its role as embellishment and as a signifier of racial identity. Her work has been acknowledged for its nonconventional approach to the traditions of printmaking.”  

For more on this free public lecture, contact Dickins at dickinsm@glutendiet.net. To learn about future CECA Visiting Artist Speaker Series events, visit http://gkiv.glutendiet.net/art-design/galleries/visiting-artists.php.

About Althea Murphy-Price: 

Althea Murphy-Price earned her Bachelor of Arts in fine art from Spelman College before completing her Master of Arts in printmaking and painting from Purdue University and her Master of Fine Arts from the Tyler School of Art, Temple University.  Her work has been featured in such publications as Art Papers Magazine, Art in Print Magazine, Printmaking Today (UK), CAA (College Art Association) Reviews Journal, Printmaking: A Complete Guide to Materials and Process and Printmakers Today. She has exhibited nationally and internationally with shows in Spain, China, Japan, Italy and Sweden.  Her work is also included in the public collections of the Huntsville Museum of Art, Knoxville Museum of Art and the Bernard A. Zukerman Museum of Art.