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Non-Traditional Scholarship Opportunities

365bet offers several scholarships to non-traditional students. 其中一些奖学金是为特定专业设计的,可能还有其他奖学金 requirements. 非传统学生应该注意,他们可能有资格获得奖学金 除了那些专门针对非传统学生的,所以他们应该进行彻底的指导 每年研究申请所有适用的奖学金机会 to them.

The online scholarship application 是用来申请非传统奖学金的,每个学生都被推荐吗 每年尽早填写这份申请表.


BeSigma Phi奖学金(Laureate Eta Chapter)奖学金

Award Amount: Up to $700

这项奖学金是由Beta Sigma Phi Laureate分会的女士们设立的 为在学业上表现优异的女学生提供帮助 and community service. 接受者必须是全日制(每学期12学时或以上) junior or senior. The recipient must have a minimum 3.0 GPA, give a listing of extracurricular 活动,注意收到的额外支持,并提交一篇文章解释为什么他们 经济援助,包括这个奖项,必须少于受助人的总数吗 tuition and fees. 获奖者是根据学业成绩和经济状况来选择的 需要,护理专业优先考虑.


Charles R. Nichols Memorial Endowment

Award Amount: Up to $1000

This scholarship is provided by Mrs. 尼科尔斯以纪念她已故的丈夫查尔斯 R. Nichols. 奖学金的主要重点是非传统的成人学生 谁是自给自足的,除了上课外还从事其他工作. 该奖学金适用于全日制或非全日制学生,至少修满9学分 hours. 收件人必须是商务专业的大三或大四学生,最低 2.5 GPA.


Department of Physics Freedom Award

Award Amount: Up to $1000

该奖学金由约翰·威利斯和海蒂·威利斯夫妇设立,为非传统的学生提供奖学金 他们正在建立一个永久的捐赠基金来支持这个奖学金. Recipients should have a 3.平均绩点为0,为现役军人、退伍军人或预备役军人. 现役军人、退伍军人、预备役军人不符合条件的,优先考虑 候选人的父母是现役军人、预备役军人或退伍军人.



Award Amount: Varies

这项奖学金是为了纪念弗洛伊德和萨拉·福特而设立的. Selection will be 由生物系奖学金委员会颁发. The recipient must be considered 累积平均分不低于3分的非传统学生.0. Preference will be 给生物学专业的学生,并住在奥斯汀皮伊的主要服务场所 region. 受助人可以是全职,也可以是兼职.

欲了解更多信息,请联系365bet P生物系.O. Box 4718, (931) 221-7781.

Howell C. Smith, Jr. and Sr. Transfer Scholarship

Award Amount: Up to $3000

这些奖学金提供给取得以下成绩的非传统转学生 最低累积平均绩点(GPA)为3.0 with at least 24 earned credit hours. 这些奖学金可以在先到先到的截止日期之前或之后颁发, first-served, declining funding basis. Meeting stated eligibility criteria does not guarantee receipt of a scholarship. Austin Peay州立大学保留此权利 如欲取消或更改奖学金的金额、资格标准和/或截止日期,请 at anytime. 奖学金最多可连续续期4个学期 student maintains a 2.75 GPA each semester. Students must complete a minimum of 12 每学期学时,每学年至少24学时.

受助人须完成75小时的大学进修服务 奖学金在每个学期的办公室收到. A student who loses his/her 因上述任何原因获得奖学金的学生可填写申请恢复奖学金资格的上诉表格 after the lapse of at least one full semester. This reinstatement allowance can be 只执行一次,并取决于资金的可用性.



Award Amount: Up to $1000

雅各布·本杰明·莫里斯·拉莫斯纪念奖学金是一项奖学金 shared between three of our departments. The award will be made on a yearly rotating 基础按以下顺序排列:化学、生物和物理. The recipient must be 一个全日制,非传统的学生,拿了3分.25 GPA or better. The award will first be offered to a senior. 如果没有大四学生,可以选择大三学生. 特别考虑将给予蒙哥马利县居民以及积极的 XEM, BBB, or Del Square Psi member. Austin Peay州立大学保留此权利 取消或更改奖学金的金额、资格标准和/或截止日期 at any time.


James Eric Lannom Memorial Scholarship

Award Amount: Up to $1500

该奖学金于1989年由该公司员工慷慨捐赠成立 Clarksville电力部门,每年颁发一次. The recipient may be enrolled 兼职,但每学期必须至少修9个学分. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 is required to retain this scholarship. The award is based upon need and the recipient may study in any academic area. The recipient must be a non-traditional student who can demonstrate financial need. (An example would be a single parent who 必须放弃工作来完成学业吗.)

欲了解更多信息,请联系普通奖学金委员会,365bet邮箱4546,电话 (931) 221-7907.

John E. Mayfield Endowed Scholarship

Award Amount: Up to $1200

This is a second scholarship created by Mr. John E. Mayfield. Interest on an endowed scholarship will fund an annual scholarship. Criteria for consideration: 2.5 minimum GPA,全日制或兼职,任何专业都可以. Recipient must be from Cheatham 县,非传统(成人学习者)学生有强烈的经济需求 considered.



有关奖学金的问题和意见,请通过以下方式与我们联系 365betScholarships@glutendiet.net.