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Prior-Learning Credit through Portfolio Development 

Austin Peay State University recognizes that our adult-learners bring a unique set of skills and experiences to campus when they enroll. These experiences often align with courses required for a student's program of study. To best recognize these prior-learning experiences as course credit, we encourage students to consider Prior-Learning Credit through Portfolio Development.

  • Admitted students with significant work experience
    • You will need to be admitted by the time your portfolio is completed
  • Employed at least 5-7 years in a particular field, with increasing responsibilities
  • Highly organized - effective speakers and writers
  • Highly motivated – will work independently to complete a project
  • Able to reflect on work and training experiences


Current and prospective students interested in portfolio creation to pursue credit for prior learning can do so by following these steps: 

  1. Currently enrolled students should contact their Academic Advisor to ensure that Prior-Learning through Portfolio development will fulfill degree requirements.
  2. The student should complete the Letter of Intent Form and submit with a current résumé via email to sa@glutendiet.net. The Form of Intent serves as the student’s petition for Prior-Learning Credit and as an agreement in participating in the Prior-Learning Credit process.   
  3. The Letter of Intent Form will be sent to the Chair of the Department through which the student is petitioning credit. If approved, the student may continue to step four.  
  4. The student will register and pay the $100 nonrefundable fee for the non-credit bearing Continuing Education course for Portfolio Creation. Through this course, the student will complete an orientation and receive guidance as to how to create an appropriate Portfolio. The student will pay the $100 fee for each course they wish to pursue Prior-Learning Credit through Portfolio development. If approved, the student will not pay any additional fees for their course credit.
  5. Once the Portfolio is complete, it will be submitted to the department through which the student is pursuing credit. The faculty will review the portfolio to determine if it provides sufficient evidence to support that the student has acquired knowledge and skills equivalent to what would be attained in the respective course.  
  6. The student will be notified of the faculty evaluator’s decision via email.  
  7. If not approved, the student will have 30 days to submit a formal, written appeal to the dean of the college in which the academic department resides. If the dean determines there is merit to the student’s appeal, the dean will inform the student within five business days so that department chairs can award credit.   

         It is recommended that you do not begin preparing your portfolio until your letter of intent has been approved by the department through which you are pursuing credit.